by projectby year
Institut pour la photographie2026
A party at the Villa2024
Théâtre de la Digue 22024
Théâtre de la Digue2023
Face à Arcimboldo2021
La Galerie du temps2019
École nationale supérieure d'arts de Paris-Cergy2019
Le Pavillon du mouvement continu (Hypar)2019
Le Violon d’Ingres2018
Campus Aquafin2018
Douy Delcupe2018
Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers2018
Adieu, me dit cette pensée, je n’irai pas plus loin2018
ESAAA Ecole Supérieure d’Arts Annecy Alpes2017
No tears for the creatures of the night2017
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris2017
Une clarté artificielle, jaune et pâle2016
Mo.Co. Hôtel des collections2016
Centre national de la danse, Pantin2016
Les couleurs du ciel2016
La nuit est plus sombre avant l’aube2015
Chaise Lambert2015
Folie L52015
Collection Lambert en Avignon2015
From the sun to the cloud (from 3 000 k to 6 000 k)2014
La Mort de Cleopatre / La Dame de Monte Carlo / Erwartung2014
Sans titre (Vallée de l'Asse)2014
Augusta Raurica2014
Centre culturel Calvi-Balagne, Scène Nationale2014
Le Jardin des diversions2013
Sans titre (Le Jardin des diversions)2013
Fata Morgana2013
Sommeil Nerveux (icosahedron light balls)2013
Planetarium Sorrow2013
Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis, Bobigny2013
Magic carpet2013
La Densità dello Spettro2012
Public spaces and pavilions for the Lausanne EPFL2012
Centre d'Art Contemporain de Tours2012
Par la contrainte2012
Dübendorf Schule2012
Notus Loci2012
Mademoiselle Julie2011
Altered States2011
Mucem - Fort Saint-Jean, Marseille2011
Le déclin du jour2010
Sans titre2010
Ça va, a prefabricated movie theater2010
Don’t Trust Anyone Over Thirty The Storyboard2010
Miss Julie2010
Descendents of the Eunuch Admiral2010
Pompidou Mobile2009
Pompidou Mobile2009
La Maison des grands lacs2009
The Prophecy2008
Drip feed2008
Dr Jekyll & Mr Mouse2008
Feuillet d'Hypnos, Unité d’habitation 3 jours2007
Festival d'Avignon2007
Grand Opening2006
Ça va2006
DTAOT: Combine (Don’t Trust Anyone Over Thirty, All Over Again)2006
La Maison des Morts2006
Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty2004

La Mort de Cleopatre / La Dame de Monte Carlo / Erwartung

Teatro Nuovo Gian Carlo Menotti – Spoleto57 Festival of 2World, Spoleto

cantata for soprano and orchestra
music by Hector Berlioz
text by Pierre-Ange Vieillard
with Ketevan Kemoklidze mezzo-soprano / Cléopâtre

lyrical monologue for soprano and orchestra
music by Francis Poulenc
text by Jean Cocteau
with Kathryn Harries soprano / la dame de Montecarlo

one-act monodrama for soprano and orchestra
music by Arnold Schönberg
libretto by Marie Pappenheim
with Nadja Michael soprano / Eine Frau

Director: Frédéric Fisbach
Stage and lighting design: Laurent P. Berger
Conductor: John Axelrod
Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi
mimes: Cecilia Andreasi, Ketty Panarotto, Lapo Sintoni, Matteo Morigi, Stefano Spadin, Francesco Marchesi

technical manager: Ottorino Neri; assistant director: Solène Souriau; assistant costume design: Monia Torchia; piano master: Eugenio Krizanovski; stage master: Roberta Mori; lighting master: Ermelinda Suella; production manager: Maya Dimova; technical management coordinator: Daniele Di Battista; technical secretariat: Silvia Preda; assistants technical manager: Alessia Forcina, Giulia Chiapparelli; stage manager: Fabrizio Pisaneschi; lighting supervisor: Graziano Albertella; sceneshifters supervisor: Paolo Zappelli; head sceneshifter: Michele Colella; sceneshifters: Leonardo Bellini, Generoso Ciociola, Alessandro Gobbi, Massimiliano Marotta, Fabio Pibiri; head electrician: Simone De Angelis; lighting console operator: Francesco Vignati; electrician: Umberto Giorgi; phonic: Luca Starpi; prop manager: Patrizia Valentini; propman: Maurizio Salvatori; costume shop supervisor: Chiara Crisolini Malatesta; seamstresses: Claudia Zampolini, Serenella Orti, Marian Osman Mohamed, Giuliana Rossi; costumes: Brancato Costumeshop Milan; footwear: Calzature Epoca; make-up and wigs: Roberto Maria Paglialunga; scenography: Scenography and Painting Laboratory of Festival of 2Worlds in Spoleto, Tecnoscena S.r.l.; scenography: Technical Staff of Festival of 2Worlds; person in charge: Claudio Balducci; stagehand constructor: Enrico Calabresi; scenographic painters: Moreno Bizzarri, Silvana Luti; sculptor: Massimiano Albanese; assistant: Edoardo Marcolini; lights: Luce E’ S.r.l Florence; show business structures and services: Atmo Divisione Gioform S.r.l.; pianos: Angelo Fabbrini

performances in original languages subtitles by Prescott Studio, Florence
thanks goes to the students of the Scuola del Teatro Musicale

Three female solo, three composers, three stage designs, two nights, one director.